Wednesday, 24 April 2013

U: Upcoming Ultrasound

One of the most anticipated moments once you've discovered you're growing the most wondrous gifts of life inside of you, is the upcoming ultrasound. 

Being able to hear the thumpity-thump-thump, of your little bean growing inside of you is exciting beyond words.  I can still remember the first moment I heard that beautiful sound, with both of my kids.

Reading about the changes in growth and development your baby is making each week is thrilling, knowing that little person is getting bigger and bigger and one day you will be able to hold them.

But... preparing to see your baby for the first time (albeit in utero), when you've finally made a date for an upcoming ultrasound... that is absolutely exhilarating.  Being forced to drink tons of water and NOT go to the bathroom is close to torturous for a pregnant woman who's bladder has the constant pressure of her most beautiful creation.  And to be honest, I'm not so convinced that it's necessary.  However, it doesn't matter because knowing that we'll be able to catch a glimpse of the amazing life, the tiny fingers, the little beating heart, it makes it all worth it.

It's one thing to take a pregnancy test and discover you are pregnant.  Then, being told by the doctor, you have a little more confirmation.  And of course, the fact that your body is changing, your hormones are raging, and you're certain that you can feel tiny movements in your belly, makes it that much more believable.  But seeing is believing and being able to look at your little sweetheart, makes it all the more real.

I can still remember the excitement pounding in my heart as I was lubed up with the sticky goo on my belly.  Remaining still when I was so anxious to catch a glimpse of my little darling, never mind having to pee like a racehorse, was no easy task.  Zipping through the small chat with the ultrasound technician, urging them to hurry up and put that poker on my belly and show me the goods, I'm sure I was gripping the thin hospital sheets beneath me in nervous anticipation.  Finally, the probe plopped into the warm jelly and almost instantly the image of my darling daughter appeared on the screen.  I may not have known what I was looking at right away but tears instantly formed in my eyes.  The harder I looked at that little black and white photo, the easier it was to make out her little head and hands, arms and legs, all the wonderful parts that make up my baby.  Considering I hadn't had my daughter yet, this was one of the most exciting moments of my life.


  1. My babies were born before they did routine ultrasounds but you have helped me "live" the experience along with you. Great writing!
    Pam at 2 Encourage

    1. I'm glad I could 'help you live the experience', it really was amazing. :)

  2. What a wonderful recollection of having an ultrasound. It sounds magical! Happy A-to-Z 2013! ~Angela, Whole Foods Living,

    1. It's definitely one of the high points of pregnancy. :)

  3. They never did test like that when I had my kids. Sounds wonderful.

    1. I had to go look up when ultrasounds came out. I didn't realize they weren't really more common until the 80's. I feel all the more grateful for being able to experience them.
